Wednesday 19 February 2020

Toxic Porn, Toxic Sex: A Real Look at Pornography

  The first time I heard about pornography, I was in seventh grade and on the bus. Many boys are talking about this, and the boy I like talking about women in the video. He said that she is the type of woman he wants. Reminder, I have never heard of pornography. But at that time, I wanted to be like the woman that I like. When I returned home, I went to my parents' room and made sure they weren't there. I searched for the website they were talking about, and after two minutes, I was sure I didn't want to be like you, and I don't like him anymore. I was shocked and made a good income. The video was shocking. But when I grow up, it's the norm to hear boys talk about pornography, especially in high school. Although it is a "norm," I know that it is not normal. While it is understood why some boys watch to entertain or release stress
  Some people truly support pornography. They are considered pornography. They enjoy pornography and find it useful for people. When people decide to watch porn, it may be because of curiosity, boredom, or because they want to see what they want. porn has become a way for people to find what they want and feel like they're not alone because they like Nadine Strossen. "Clear sexual material can be a source of sexual or pleasure information for many people who ... No need to have sex with other people - shy or blocked people, disabled people, people with emotional problems, gay people. There is confusion among people who are young or old, geographically isolated, or unattractive. "(164) It is like a haven for these people who can find a place that will feel acceptable or normal.
  They also say that watching porn may cause liberation. You take off your clothes because you don't want to because you have to. As I said before, women who work on pornography or any sexual work say that it makes them happy. Some even say that it does not cause them to discriminate and or strengthen their power. Just have to believe that the popular franchise that shows women flashing for cameras instead of learning is liberating. But that is what happens when a woman is freed, meaning taking off clothes is not intelligence. It seems too hard to believe because, in the end, they see you as a free person. It is a sexual object
The last benefit that people think of pornography is helping to reduce sex crimes. Most books that protect against pornography say that countries with strict laws against pornography have more violent sex crimes against women than countries where legal pornography is correct; You can be saved from sex crimes if more people watch porn. Kutchinsky tests this theory. He wants to see what will happen during the year. Providing pornography is available in four countries, the United States, Denmark, Sweden, and West Germany. They want to prove that pornography is not associated with sexual violence and can reduce sexual violence (McNair 86). But here there are drawbacks. 1964 to 1984 was a time of empowerment for women. Important events such as the Civil Rights Act, Equal Payments, and EMILY (qt. Infoplease). "Many things are changing for women during this time, so it's hard to believe that pornography has helped in this regard. If anything, it seems that women no longer want to be considered inferior to men and become stronger.
  Now that you are aware of the beliefs of porn advocates and they think it is the best thing to do in a cruel world, here are some reasons why you should not start subscribing to a website. While it may seem like there is something good that comes from watching porn and a few effects such as watery eyes or hand cramps, even if it's a big deal But there are disadvantages Some sociologists may argue that "pornography can influence the attitude and behavior of the audience" (Russell D qt. In. Gorman, Monk-Turner, Fish). Meaning, your brain is changing by pornography. All this while trying to understand Most people don't want to believe But you can be addicted to porn. What are you addicted to if you do too much? "There are four steps to addiction to pornography. desensitization Meaning when you see other people as objects or for sex and expression, it means you will actually try what you see in the video "(Bush 19)." Like addictions, you still want difficult things. Up and give you more excitement until you reach the point of pornography only until now. "(Ted Bundy qt comes compared to score 26) Please remember that the episodes of friends that Joey and Chandler met men Providing cable Inadvertently ... and they just see if the full episode They don't do anything they don't get

Works Cited

Brookshire, Bethany. "What Is Dopamine For, Anyway? Love, Lust, Pleasure, Addiction?" Slate Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.
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Destin N. Stewart and Dawn M. Szymanski. “Young Adult Women’s Reports of Their Male Romantic Partner’s pornography Use as a Correlate of Their Self-Esteem, Relationship Quality, and Sexual Satisfaction.” Sex Roles 2012.
Doidge, Norman. The Brain That Changes Itself. New York: Viking, 2007. Your Brain On Porn. Gary Wilson. Web.
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Porn : A Negative Impact On Society

      pornography is a collection of images, writings, videos, or other content that is sexually explicit and sometimes involves sex with p...