Wednesday 19 February 2020

Sex at the holy site: Myanmar Hunt for Italian couples that shoots porn videos

Some places shouldn't be done, and one of them is to enter another country and shoot pornographic videos at sacred sites. But now the porn video clearly shows that it has attracted the attention of the Myanmar authorities who want to arrest prominent couples and anyone involved in the incident.
The sacred place is Bagan, located on the central plains of Myanmar. It is an ancient city and a world heritage site. From the 9th century to the 13th century, it was the capital of Bagan, and there are more than 3,800 temples and pagodas that survive to this day. It is an important place for Buddhists everywhere. But mostly in Myanmar
The Burmese authorities are trying to identify themselves first and then handle justice with two foreign couples who describe themselves (in the video) being a 23-year-old Italian couple taking pictures of their sexual encounters in a pagoda in Bagan. And soon uploaded to a pornographic website, causing a lot of anger in most Buddhist countries
U Aung Aung Kyaw, director of Bagan Archeology at the Ministry of Religious and Cultural Affairs, said his office had filed a complaint with the police to search for offenders. He said they were punished for two years and added that they might have left Burma.
Another official from the Ministry of Hotel and Tourism in Bagan said, "It's hard to find them. We don't know when it happened. We sent their photos to every hotel to find them."
Golden Lotus Tours CEO U Kyaw Swa Min wants the perpetrators to be trial and error after being identified. "This is a deliberate act," he said. "We can't sit back and sit back. We must prevent this from happening. Again "
U Thura Aung, the Secretary of Archeology Research in Burma, has called for a team to be set up to prevent this. He said, "We must build a heritage police team in every heritage area. Every tourist must comply with the country's laws and culture. "
Daw Aye Nyein Thu, a tour guide, complained to social media that the video pointed to strict management and weak security on the website.
In recent years, Myanmar has been less stringent in punishing religious offenders. Spanish tourists deported in 2016 on tattoos of Buddha images observed by monks. In February, two Chinese tourists were charged fines for drinking beer after driving to the Bagan Heritage Hill.
In 2017, another pair posted photos on social media, one of them posted a picture of a pagoda on the back. No one knows if they face any consequences from the picture.

Porn : A Negative Impact On Society

      pornography is a collection of images, writings, videos, or other content that is sexually explicit and sometimes involves sex with p...